The Role of Security in ERP Systems for Industrial Distribution Businesses

The Role of Security in ERP Systems for Industrial Distribution Businesses featured imageThe Role of Security in ERP Systems for Industrial Distribution Businesses featured image


  • 10X ERP addresses the high-stakes security concerns in industrial distribution by integrating modern security practices into its system, including secure cloud hosting.
  • It uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) and granular control of user permissions to protect against unauthorized access and safeguard sensitive information.
  • Despite sophisticated security measures, 10X ERP’s system remains user-friendly, allowing customers to focus on business operations while ensuring their data is continuously protected.

At 10X ERP, we understand these unique security challenges. That’s why we’ve designed our ERP system with a steadfast focus on security. We’ve integrated modern web security best practices and top-tier tools right into the fabric of our platform. Our goal is to offer peace of mind to our users, ensuring that security is not just a side feature but the solid foundation upon which our ERP system is built.

Security in an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is a concern that resonates across all industries, but for small to medium-sized industrial distribution businesses, the stakes are exceptionally high. These organizations manage an intricate labyrinth of transactions, inventories, and data flows that are attractive targets for cybercriminals. In the event of a security breach, the integrity of the entire organization could be at risk.

ERP Security Practices for Industrial Distribution Businesses

The importance of ERP security for cloud-based systems.

Despite the high-risk levels associated with ERP systems, a surprising 38% of companies do not employ tools such as multi-factor authentication to safeguard their systems – a stark contrast to industry best practices. This situation is even more critical when businesses depend on large, legacy ERP systems, which often struggle to keep up with regular patches and security updates. This leaves them exposed and makes them prime targets for hackers.

To mitigate these risks, companies should adopt secure, flexible, and scalable cloud hosting solutions that can easily handle and implement updates. Furthermore, implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) and enforcing proper user permissions and roles are crucial to ensuring a secure ERP system.

Let’s delve deeper into each of these essential security components and how they function within the 10X ERP ecosystem.

Harnessing the Power of Cloud Hosting

User experience is at the forefront of our philosophy at 10X ERP. We have partnered with best-in-class cloud hosting and data backup providers who share our uncompromising focus on data security. This approach is more secure than custom-built on-premise solutions and offers significant cost savings and scalability, an essential consideration for small and medium-sized businesses.

Cloud hosting brings several key advantages:

1. Consistent security updates, AI-powered monitoring tools, and auto-patching**: This proactive approach counters a common problem faced by legacy system users who often lack the resources or time to keep up with security updates. By outsourcing this task to cloud hosting, businesses can focus on their core operations, knowing that their ERP system is continuously updated and secure.

2. Redundancy: Cloud providers, unlike standard on-premise data centers, practice redundancy. This means that your data is always safe and fully recoverable, even in the event of a natural disaster or power outage.

Embracing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Use multi-factor authentication (MFA) to verify a user’s identity for optimal ERP security.

Password hacking is one of the simplest ways malicious actors can access a company’s network. To counter this, 10X ERP employs multi-factor authentication (MFA) to verify a user’s identity during the login process. This additional layer of security is non-evasive and complies with many existing regulatory requirements demanded by leading financial institutions.

MFA is not merely a more secure form of 2FA (two-factor authentication). It has several other benefits, such as ease of use and future-proofing. As regulatory bodies and industries continue to tighten security requirements, MFA is rapidly becoming the gold standard for compliance.

Controlling User Roles & Permissions

For the best ERP security, control user roles & permissions.

While external threats are critical, considering internal risks is equally important. After logging into 10X ERP using MFA, we provide a system of user permissions and roles that an admin can easily modify.

This approach protects sensitive and classified information by controlling who can access specific data. It’s important to note that not everyone within the organization needs access to all information. Data should often be accessible strictly on a “need-to-know” basis.

At 10X ERP, our permissions management system is both granular and intuitive. Administrators can grant or revoke access to specific entities, sections, or fields. The changes are updated instantly, with a complete audit trail available for review. This ensures you can always see which permissions were updated, when, and by whom.

Conclusion: Your ERP Security is Our Priority

ERP systems are a prime target for cybercriminals due to their wealth of sensitive data. ERP security is a critical concern for businesses of all sizes, especially those in the industrial distribution sector, where the volume of data and transactions is high.

At 10X ERP, our mission is to provide an ERP system that gives you the operational capabilities you need to manage and scale your business and the peace of mind that your data is secure. We implement top-tier security practices, including secure cloud hosting, multi-factor authentication, and comprehensive user permissions control.

Our commitment to security goes beyond just providing tools. We are continually updated with the latest web security best practices and developments. We adopt and integrate these innovations into our platform to ensure our ERP system remains at the forefront of security.

Moreover, we believe that security doesn’t need to be complicated. Despite the sophistication of our security measures, we’ve designed our ERP system to be user-friendly. This ensures that our customers can focus on what they do best – managing their industrial distribution businesses – while we care for security.

In conclusion, as the digital landscape continues to evolve, so will the threats businesses face. Our promise to our customers is that as these threats evolve, so will our defenses. At 10X ERP, we are committed to offering an ERP system that grows with your business, keeping your valuable data secure today and into the future.

If you want to learn more about how 10X ERP can offer you peace of mind through robust ERP security, please contact our team today. We are always ready to answer your questions and help you understand the unique advantages that our ERP software can bring to your industrial distribution business.