Global O-Ring & Seal

Global O-Ring & Seal featured imageGlobal O-Ring & Seal featured image

About Global O-Ring & Seal:

Global O-Ring and Seal is a master distributor of o-rings and related seals, serving industrial distributors worldwide. With over 15,000 stocking SKUs in their 52,000-square-foot warehouse and same-day shipping on over 50% of their orders, they have become the trusted supplier to distributors, OEMs, and MROs.

The Challenge:

From its inception in 2008 until 2023, Global ran its business on a legacy Windows-based ERP product. They found it increasingly difficult to make changes to their platform to achieve their business goals. Important values in the system did not tie out with the originating transactions, and the Accounting area required numerous workarounds and extra time to track down errors. Their attempts to integrate outside products or services with their legacy ERP were a heavy lift. They ran three external systems in conjunction with their legacy ERP.

The Solution:

Global chose 10X ERP, a product whose primary aim is “removing friction from your business processes.” 10X ERP’s ability to run on any device using any browser and the speed of processing in that environment made it a perfect match for Global’s requirements.

The Result:

In March of 2023, Global O-Ring implemented 10X ERP for their daily operations. The impact was immediate and impressive.

Global’s President and Owner, Brian DeSpain, noted, “10X ERP is incredibly user-friendly and significantly streamlines our processes. Previously, completing a single transaction could require 7 or 8 clicks. With 10X ERP, we save multiple clicks and steps each time. Considering we handle hundreds of transactions daily and thousands of lines, this efficiency translates into substantial time savings and our customer service is MUCH faster and more accurate. Additionally, the seamless integration with modern applications through the 10X API makes it a truly outstanding solution.”

“There is data integrity across all entries,” remarked Lisa Knight, Global’s VP of Finance and Accounting. “Our Inventory detail matches GL to the penny, and the same goes for Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable. In addition, all our financial numbers are in real-time, so there is no waiting for an end-of-day batch posting process to see the current results. Everything we do daily: credit card processing, invoicing customers, cash receipts, paying vendors, and approving orders is much easier and takes less time.”

Adam Earnhardt, Global’s VP of Operations, notes, “Our entire flow is more efficient, and all the data presented is accurate. We can now trust the Inventory numbers. We see the status of each transaction in real-time, improving our accuracy and allowing us to ship more orders daily. The real-time view into our operations is invaluable.”

“The ability to access the system from any device, anywhere has improved our customer service. I took a call from a customer over the weekend and was able to quote them from my phone, using the same screens I would have used on my desktop,” commented Jeff Korkowski, Global’s VP of Sales and Marketing. “Our business is moving fast! Working with a software company like 10X ERP has given us the edge we need to achieve our business goals and delight our customers.”

Global O-Ring VP of Sales using Software

Summary of Results:

  • Accurate real-time information across the enterprise, giving Global the ability to make timely decisions.
  • Access from anywhere in the world, on any device, allowing for unparalleled customer service.
  • A significant reduction in time to process each transaction, providing for a better customer service experience.
  • A modern, forward-thinking product allows them to connect with other modern applications seamlessly, leveraging their ERP foundation for greater success.

Working with the 10X ERP team was a very positive experience for Global. “We have a really great support team at 10X ERP who understands our business and responds very quickly. In addition, they listen. Our requests have been incorporated into the product, further improving our efficiency and capabilities,” commented Lisa.

10X ERP is deeply committed to offering unmatched value to distributors seeking to expand their businesses profitably and exponentially, with superior software solutions. Contact us for more information on 10X ERP.